Wednesday, January 6, 2010


In November 2006 I relocated from Brisbane, Australia to Monte San Biagio, Italy for the express purpose of writing a book. In August 2007 I completed the first draft and returned home to complete several edited drafts of the same book. In July 2009 I self-published my first book, Metanoia, renovating the house of your spirit. This blog will be an ongoing discussion on some of the key issues raised throughout the book. I invite anyone interested in the issues discussed to participate in the dialogue. It is my wish that this become a forum for exploring profound practical spirituality.
Having been involved in the 'alternative healing' profession for over 30 years, both as a clinician and educator, it became obvious to me that both the 'medical' and 'natural' approaches to health were deficient, particularly when it came to 'life-style' diseases. Sure there was much that they were doing to treat the disease conditions, but in terms of stemming the rapid spead of the disease, they have proven to be ineffectual.
In the introduction to the book, I propose a new paradigm of healing based on the etymology of the words health and disease. In summary, the word 'health' suggests being in a holy or sacred relationship. Disease also inferred a state of relationship, but a distanced or seperated state of relationship. I then suggest that if this meant that health was about spiritual relationship and that 'the Church' (and for the sake of this discussion the Christian Church) is the guardian of spiritual wellbeing in contempory Western society, then the epidemic of disease would also suggest that the Church is falling short in its objective.
This model of healing sits well outside of the 'norms' of conventional Western tradition. Firstly, it highly limits its association to comtempory healing modatities since it suggests that 'spirituality' is fundamental to the paradigm, and secondly, it implies a form of spirituality that is either absent or ignored by Christianity. Those arguments alone will be sufficent to marginalise this book, although I would also suspect that talking about God and strongly referencing the Tarot might also extend the margin.
Having said all of that, and assuming that you are still reading, what I present in this book requires the reader to be patient while I completely paint on all of the 'canvas'. What I reveal in Metanoia is new contempory thought. This model of healing is being presented, possibly for the first time in over 500 years. I hope that you will join me as I discuss and explore in greater detail, knowledge and mysteries that reveal a sustainable remedy for health and wellbeing.
The blurb on the book cover reads...

Drawing on his diverse knowldge of the Scriptures, the Marseille Tarot and Temple Culture, Russell weaves together a harmonious tapestry of ancient symbols, practices and teachings to reveal a sacred journey of healing. When applied personally, this spiritual map provides guidance towards achieving health and vitality, clarity of mind, reduced stress and a greater capcity for intimacy. In a broader context, the sacred knowledge revealed in Metanoia leads to a deeper reverence for Mother Earth and her environs, and a love of the Divine expressed through a contant prayer of gratitude. When practiced authentically, this formula can create sustainable personal and global healing.

I look forward to hearing your comments.
With peace and awareness
Russell Sturgess

1 comment:

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